PhD Program Spotlight: University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee

The University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee announces a new doctoral program in medical informatics. This is exciting news and the program will be the first Ph.D. program of its kind in Wisconsin, and one of only two currently available in the Midwest. The program is available on a part-time or full-time basis for people in the health care industry. Prospective students need to have completed a Master’s degree in Medical Informatics or a related area such as Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Health Sciences, Business Administration, Nursing, or an MD degree.

Interested applicants will need to submit a two letters of recommendation, brief statement that identifies the preferred track, and scores from either the GRE, MCAT, or GMAT taken within the last five years.

This program boasts a unique feature of an interdisciplinary approach and combines coursework in information technology, medicine, nursing, and business.

Course work includes:

  • Human pathophysiology
  • Medical informatics
  • Database
  • Ethics

Students can also select from

the following tracks:

Knowledge based systems

Health Services Management and Policy

Health Information Systems

Medical Imaging and Information


Applications will be evaluated on an ongoing basis. For more information or to apply, go the the University of Milwaukee website.

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For additional information, contact: via email or by phone: 414) 229-4677.


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