American Nursing Informatics Association Call for Abstracts

ANIA is pleased to announce the “Call for Abstracts” for our Annual Conference for 2013. The conference will be held at the Marriott Rivercenter in San Antonio, TX, from May 2-4, 2013. Speaker and poster submissions are open today July 17 and will close on August 31, 2012. This conference again promises to be an outstanding educational opportunity for nursing informatics.

The theme of the conference is “Navigating the River of Data to Wisdom.”

This year’s conference tracks are:

  1. Role and Career Development
    • Identify innovative opportunities in education and career development for nursinginformatics.
    • Identify new and effective methods for mentoring the next generation of informatics nurses.
    • Discuss the evolution of informatics roles for nurses.
  2. Implementation & Optimization Strategies
    • Discuss strategies and workflow design for optimizing healthcare technology throughout the continuum of care.
    • Explore how mobile health, telehealth and new technologies can enable healthcare transformation.
    • Identify best practices for training and educating healthcare providers and leadership oninformatics competencies.
  3. Quality Improvement & Patient Outcomes
    • Evaluate the impact clinical information systems have on patient care outcomes.
    • Identify how clinical decision support systems can drive evidence based practice.
    • Discuss new and emerging trends in patient engagement in a technology laden environment.
  4. Innovation in Practice
    • Identify emerging knowledge and research opportunities in the field of nursing informatics.
    • Discuss new and emerging trends in consumer informatics.
    • Discuss how analytics drives data to wisdom in healthcare.
  5. Leadership Strategies
    • Identify traditional and nontraditional leadership methods applicable for informatics.
    • Discuss methods that nurses can use to drive change management in healthcare organizations.
    • Identify ways in which organizations can empower clinical transformation.

Simply visit the ANIA Abstract Management System on-line to register and submit your abstract for review. Please use the theme and tracks when writing your submission.

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