Top 50 Health Informatics Blogs

If you are involved in health informatics, it can help to read various blogs on the subject. Health informatics combines a number of disciplines, including medical science, health care, information science and computer science. The idea is to combine technology and medicine in such a way as to more efficiently and effectively coordinate health care efforts. Here are some of the top 50 health informatics blogs that can help you learn more about health informatics and stay up to date on the latest advancements:

General Health Informatics

800px-Monoclonal_antibodies3These are blogs that specifically refer to health informatics practices and ideas.

  1. Health Informatics Blog: Learn about health informatics from the U.K. doctor that founded the Health Informatics Forum.
  2. Biological Informatics: Get a look at informatics in the field of biology.
  3. Ted Eytan, MD: Learn about e-Health and how technology can make health care better.
  4. New Media Medicine: Includes great medicine podcasts, including podcasts related to health informatics and e-health.
  5. EMR Implementation & HITECH Act Blog: Get the inside look at electronic medical records and other aspects of health informatics.
  6. Health Informatics Forum: Discuss the latest developments in health informatics with students and professionals.
  7. HealthNex: Get the latest information on health informatics and patient-centered health care with the help of technology.
  8. Health Care Renewal: Discusses topics related to improving the health care system, including topics related to health informatics.
  9. Information Therapy (Ix) Blog: A blog about information therapy and developing the science around it.
  10. Goomedic: Information and news about the latest informatics products, as well as developments

Anatomy and Physiology

It is a good idea to know about anatomy and physiology if you are going to work in health informatics. Many of the things that you do will be aimed at mapping the human body and being able to use electronic information to help in diagnosis. Here are some good anatomy and physiology blogs:

  1. Human Physiology: This tag from the Life Sciences Blog can direct you to interesting developments in physiology.
  2. Sacramento State – Anatomy and Physiology Blog: A great resource on the build and make-up of the human body.
  3. Morbid Anatomy: Learn about anatomy from a number of angles, including art and death.
  4. Street Anatomy: Interesting look at using anatomy in art — including digital art.
  5. Scientific Anatomy: Articles and posts about the human body and advancements in medicine.
  6. Medical Humanities Blog: Combining medicine with the humanities and understanding how disease works in the body.
  7. Health Blog: Get a general idea of health, and how to improve the health of the body.
  8. Biomedicine on Display: A great blog featuring different aspects of biomedicine, and including information about the human body and how it works.

Information Science and Information Technology

When working in health informatics, you will need to know about information science and information technology, since these are combined with medicine and health to create health informatics. These blogs can give you a good foundation.

  1. DIS Blog: This blog from the Department of Information Studies at the University of Sheffield in the U.K. looks at information science, and also looks at how it helps medicine.
  2. Australian Health Information Technology: Look at the latest news in health IT.
  3. Neil Versel’s Healthcare IT Blog: News and information from around the world of information technology in health care.
  4. MastersInHealthInformatics Blog: This is a blog devoted to informatics, and is written by nurse informaticist, Anna Fernando.
  5. Information Science: This blog from Science Blogs follows information science and technology.
  6. Information Technology Blog: Keep up to date on information technology developments.
  7. Scott MacLeod’s Anthropology of Information Technology: This blog focuses on the development of IT.
  8. Jared Rimer’s Technology Blog and Podcast: Keep up with technology and information with these helpful posts and podcasts.

Computer Science

Learn about how computers work, and how to use computing as part of your health informatics job.

  1. Jason’s Computer Science Blog: Learn about computer science, and how to understand computers.
  2. Computer Science is COOL: A blog about computer science and what is happening in the world of computer technology.
  3. Mobile Health Computing: A blog about using technology on the go as part of a health practice.
  4. EHR Bloggers: Learn about electronic health records and using computers in health care.
  5. Rough Type: This is a blog about computers and computing, and how they are related to different aspects of life, including health and health care.
  6. Get information and news on medical computing and health informatics.
  7. Papers in Computer Science: Get an idea of what is happening in the world of computers.
  8. Computer Forensic Blog: An interesting look at how to get into the nitty-gritty of computers.
  9. Interactive Intelligence Blog: Insights into data, and interaction in a technology world.


Stats is very important when it comes to health informatics. Here are some good statistics blogs to help you with your health informatics learning.

  1. Fishing in the Bay: These are “statistical musings” with a medical twist.
  2. Data Sciences Analytics: Learn about the science of data, and how it is used in a variety of ways.
  3. Analytic Bridge: Using information and statistics for analysis.
  4. Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science: A helpful blog about using statistics to create models and make assessments.
  5. Social Science Statistics Blog: Learn about stats from Harvard.
  6. Lies and Stats: It’s been a while since this blog was updated, but it still has a great deal of useful information about how statistics are used.
  7. Overcoming Bias: Learn how to use data and how to overcome the biases that may be in that data.
  8. The Endeavor: A great blog that includes statistics posts and information.

Radiology and Medical Imaging

One of the important things you will do in health informatics is imaging. You will then need to be able to interpret what you see. Here are some blogs about imaging and radiology.

  1. Sumer’s Radiology Site: Great images and information related to radiology and medical imaging.
  2. A Radiology Geek’s Blog: Get information and insight into radiology.
  3. RadGirl

    Radiology Blog: A great look at what is happening in the world of radiology.

  4. Radiology Ramblings: News and information about radiology.
  5. xRay2000: Articles, images and more about radiology and imaging technology.
  6. Radiography & Radiology Blog: Learn about the latest developments in radiography and radiology as part of medical science and technology.
  7. Medical Imaging Talk: Get the latest in the world of medical imaging.
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